
Ricardo Velarde, Writer/Director, LA LUZ EN EL CERRO

“After graduating with a MA in filmmaking MA at the London Film School, I enrolled in a post-graduate course in film editing at the same institution, with Jaime as my tutor. With his knowledge and years of film editing experience, Jaime shared with me his in depth understanding of film grammar and the mastering of the digital tools to approach, in my own individual way, the craft of story-telling. This approach, enable me as director, to look and judge my own material with the objectivity of an editor. I learned not to fall in love with my own shots, but to focus objectively on the whole story and the character’s plight.

“The experience acquired during my study/practice years, drew me back to Jaime during the post-production of my first feature: LA LUZ EN EL CERRO –The Light on the Hill; during our first consultation, Jaime understood my story and my intentions.

“The collaboration that followed, became a creative and very efficient dialogue regarding story focus, character development and economic use of dialogue to underline subtext. LA LUZ EN EL CERRO is a mystery thriller rooted in the Peruvian-Andean landscape, with its myths and ways of life dictating the rhythm of every-day life. The end result has become a unique cinematic experience for Peruvian and international audience alike.

“This, I believe, is the ultimate reward for a film director. None of this would have been possible without Jaime´s input.”

Janis Pugh, Writer/Director, The Befuddled Box of Betty Buttiflint

“Jaime Estrada-Torres is not only a great reader of ‘the grammar of film’ he has a vast knowledge of cinema and storytelling. I have collaborated with Jaime on several film projects, including the feature ‘The Befuddled Box of Betty Buttiflint”.
“His relationship with the Director is an imperative part of his work and it’s an asset to have him from the development stage. He is unique at grasping the directors vision and he will support that vision with great determination, as well as injecting his own dynamic poetic flare and visual imagination.”.
” Jaime’s work is infused with a passion that never falters, he is a perfectionist from cutting to post and is a ‘must’ when bringing a film to the full fruition it truly deserves”.

Alia Yunis, Writer/Director, The Golden Harvest

“Jaime is much more than editor.  He’s a partner who gets in your head and helps you understand the story you’re trying to tell.“.
“I’m grateful to him for teaching me not to be afraid my own voice.”